Pickled Radishes


4 lb. radishes, trimmed then halved or quartered depending on size

½ C salt + ½ t salt

4 C white vinegar 

3 T sugar 

1 t red pepper flakes 

2 t mustard seed 

2 t coriander seeds 

5 pods star anise 

5 slivers fresh ginger

5 slices jalapeno  

5 garlic cloves


1. Dissolve ½ cup salt with about 5 cups water
2. Add radishes, cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight
3. Drain and rinse
4. Place radishes in sterilized jars
5. Add a pod of star anise, slice of ginger, one garlic clove and a slice of jalapeno to each jar
6. Meanwhile, combine remaining ingredients and bring to a boil 
7. Pour over radishes, leaving at least a ¼ “ of headspace
8. Place sterilized lids on jars and hand tighten rings
9. Lower jars into boiling water
10. Set timer for ten minutes once water returns to a boil
11. Remove jars and place on towel on table
12. After jars have cooled slightly (about 10 minutes) invert jars and leave for at least 12 hours
13. Insure all jars have sealed properly by checking lids

What's In Season

Thanks to our warm climate and long growing season, you can find fresh, local ingredients year-round. See what’s in season now.

Where to Buy Local

Knowing the roots of your food is important. Here you’ll find a list of places that sell Certified SC goods.