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Poached Flounder


4 T of butter
1 t of Siracha sauce
1 t of lime juice
1 oz. of parsley, chopped
6 oz. of summer flounder
Salt and pepper to taste
1 pc of vacuum bag
4 oz. of haricot vert
1 small carrot, sliced
1 cup chicken stock
1 t of ground ginger
1 oz. maple syrup

  1. Melt the butter with the Siracha, the lime juice and chopped parsley.
  2. Season the flounder with salt and pepper then place it in the vacuum bag with the butter sauce.
  3. Seal the vacuum bag and cook the flounder in boiling water or a steamer for 10 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, sauté the haricot vert and carrot in chicken stock, with remaining butter, ground ginger, maple syrup, salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Place the flounder in bowl and surround with vegetables; top with remaining sauces.

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