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Country-Style Collard Greens

  • Collard Greens – 1 case/cleaned and washed
  • Ham Hock – 5 each
  • Bacon – 2 pounds
  • Onion (julienne) – 6 each
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 4 ¼ Cup
  • Tabasco – ½ bottle
  • Salt/Pepper to taste
  • Water – ½ Pot (enough to cover greens)
  • Sugar – 1 ½ cups

  1. Bring water, meats and seasonings to a boil in a large pot
  2. Tear or cut greens to desired size
  3. Reduce heat to medium
  4. Add greens and simmer until tender (approx. 1 hour)

What's In Season

Thanks to our warm climate and long growing season, you can find fresh, local ingredients year-round. See what’s in season now.

Where to Buy Local

Knowing the roots of your food is important. Here you’ll find a list of places that sell Certified SC goods.