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Anson Mills Carolina Gold Rice Pilaf


1 C Rice, Thoroughly Rinsed
2 C Chicken Stock
½ C Mirepoix
Splash Sherry 
Splash Chablis
Salt & Pepper To Taste
1 Tbs Butter

Yield 3.4 C Cooked Rice

  1. Mise en Place
  2. Saute Mirepoix with butter in medium saute pan until translucent
  3. Deglaze with wine
  4. Add rice, Stir
  5. Add Chicken Stock and reduce temperature
  6. Simmer rice, stirring occasionally, until liquid has reduced and rice is al dente
  7. Season to Taste
  8. Stir, then cover. Let sit another 30 min.


Serve with Natural View Farm Spinach and Local Caught Red Snapper

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